
Low Maintenance Shrubs

Anthony Waterer Spirea

Native Plant

Apache Plume

Arcadia Ground Cover Juniper

Native Plant

Arizona or Flattop Buckwheat

Native Plant

Aromas Cleveland Sage

Asparagus Fern, Fern Asparagus

Australian Bluebell Creeper

Australian Fuchsia

Azure Bush Germander

Bar Harbor Creeping Juniper

Basket of Gold, Golden-Tuft

Beaked Yucca

Bearberry Cotoneaster

Black Flowering Fountain Grass

Native Plant

Black or Honey Sage

Native Plant

Blue Blossom Ceanothus

Blue Haven Columnar Juniper

Blue Hibiscus

Blue Hibiscus Purple Haze

Blue Lavandin, Provence Lavender

Blue Pacific Ground Cover Shore Jun

Blue Pfitzer Juniper

Blue Point Columnar Juniper

Bowles Mauve Wallflower

Brittlebush, Desert Encelia

Native Plant

Brittlebush, Incienso

Buffalo Ground Cover Juniper

Burford Holly

Native Plant

Bush Anemone

Bush Germander

Native Plant

Bush Poppy

Bush Strawflower

Butterfly Bush cv.

California Barberry or Holly Grape

Native Plant

California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My

Native Plant

California Buckwheat

Native Plant

California Coffeeberry

Native Plant

California Glory Flannel Bush, Frem

Native Plant

California Sagebrush

Canberra Gem Grevillea

Native Plant

Canyon Gray Coastal Sagebrush

Cape Mallow

Native Plant

Carmel Creeper

Native Plant

Cleveland Sage Hybrid

Native Plant

Cleveland Sage, Calif. Blue Sage

Coast Rosemary, Westringia

Native Plant

Common Flannel Bush

Native Plant

Common or White Snowberry

Compact Golden Juniper

Compressa Columnar Juniper

Native Plant

Concha Ceanothus, California Lilac

Native Plant

Conejo or Saffron Buckwheat

Confetti Lantana

Cornflower or Bachelor's Button

Crape Myrtle

Native Plant

Cream Bush, Ocean Spray

Native Plant

Creeping Mahonia

Creeping Mirror Plant

Crimson-Spot Rockrose

Crinodonna Lily

Cushion Crimson Rockrose

Native Plant

Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil

Dazzler N.Z. Flax

Delavayi Osmanthus

Delicate Treasure Daylily

Desert Four O' Clock

Native Plant

Desert or Bigelow Nolina

Diablo Ninebark

Donkey Tail, Burro Tail

Native Plant

Douglas Iris

Native Plant

Dr. Hurd Tree Manzanita

Duet Yellow Hesperaloe

Dusky Bells Australian Fuchsia

Dwarf Basket-of-Gold

Native Plant

Dwarf Coyote Brush or Bush cv.

Dwarf Escallonia

Dwarf Hinoki Cypress

Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper

Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwort

Dwarf Strawberry Tree

Dwarf Tanyosho Pine

Dwarf True Myrtle

Native Plant

Elizabeth Bush Anemone

Englemann Prickly Pear

Euryops Daisy

Evans Hebe

Native Plant

Eve Case Compact Coffeeberry

Fairy Fan Flower Mauve Clusters

Native Plant

Foothill Penstemon

Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai

French Gray Lavender

Gaiety Girl New Zealand Tea Tree

Germander Sage

Native Plant

Glore de Versailles Ceanothus

Glossy Abelia

Native Plant

Golden Abundance Mahonia

Native Plant

Golden Currant

Golden Pfitzer Juniper

Golden Pyramid Arborvitae

Golden Sword Adam's Needle Yucca

Goldflame Spirea

Gray Honey-Myrtle

Green Lavender Cotton

Native Plant

Greenleaf Manzanita

Grey Desert Spoon, Sotol

Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo


Hidcote English Lavender

Hollywood Twisted Juniper

Homestead Purple Verbena

Hopseed Bush, 'a'ali'i

Native Plant

Howard McMinn Manzanita

Native Plant

Hummingbird or Pitcher Sage

Huntington Carpet Rosemary

Hybrid White Rockrose

Improved Freesia

Indian Currant, Coralberry

Irene Creeping Rosemary

Native Plant

Island Bush Poppy

Ivory Bells Australian Fuchsia

Jade Plant

Japanese Aucuba

Japanese Garden Juniper

Japanese Kerria

Native Plant

John Dourley Manzanita

Native Plant

Jojoba, Goatnut

Native Plant

Joyce Coulter Ceanothus, California

Native Plant

Julia Phelps Ceanothus, California

Kaleidescope Abelia

Ken Taylor Trailing Rosemary

Lace Leaf Japanese Maple

Lamb's Ear

Lantana Patriot, Classic Passion

Lavender Cotton

Lavender Swirl Trailing Lantana TM

Lemon Queen Sunflower

Licorice Plant

Lily of the Nile

Limemound Spirea

Little Leaf Cordia

Little Ollie or Montra Olive

Little White Oleander

Lochinch Summer Lilac

Native Plant

Louis Edmunds Manzanita

Lullaby Baby Daylily

Magenta Carpet Cranesbill

Native Plant

Mahonia 'Golden Abundance'

Majorica Pink Twisting Rosemary

Native Plant

Manzanita Emerald Carpet

Marguerite Dwarf Yellow

Native Plant

Matilija Poppy

Medio-Picta Century Plant

Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage

Mexican Creeping Lobelia

Native Plant

Mexican Elderberry

Moerheim Santa Barbara Daisy

Monterey Bay Blue Hibiscus

Morning Light Coast Rosemary

Mountain Flax

Mugho Pine

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

New Zealand Flax

Noell's Grevillea


Orange Crush Daylily

Orchid Spot or Orchid Rockrose

Native Plant

Oregon Grape

Oriental Arborvitae

Native Plant

Owls Blue Ceanothus

Native Plant

Pacific Madrone, Madrona

Native Plant

Pacific Mist Manzanita

Native Plant


Parsons Ground Cover Juniper

Peruvian Verbena

Petite Pink Oleander

Petite Salmon Oleander

Pfitzer Juniper

Native Plant

Pine Hill Flannel Bush cv.

Pink Abelia

Pink Champagne Marguerite

Pink Coral Rockrose

Native Plant

Point Reyes Bearberry

Native Plant

Point Sal Spreader Purple Sage

Pork And Beans

Powis Castle Artemisia

Pride of Madeira

Native Plant

Prostrate Coyote Brush or Bush

Prostrate Rosemary

Prostrate Spreading Acacia

Purple Hopseed or Hop Bush

Native Plant

Purple Needle Bunch Grass

Native Plant

Purple or Gray Sage

Purple Smoke Tree

Purplish N.Z. Flax

Pyrenees Cotoneaster

Radiation Lantana

Rain Cloud Texas Ranger

Rainbow Warrior N.Z. Flax

Native Plant

Ray Hartman Ceanothus

Native Plant

Red Buckwheat

Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster

Red Damask N.Z. Tea Tree

Native Plant

Red Flowering or Pink Winter Curran

Red Hot Poker

Native Plant

Red Monkey Flower

Red New Zealand Flax

Red or Purple Guava

Red Spider Daylily

Red Star Texas or Autumn Sage

Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage

Ruby Glow New Zealand Tea Tree

Sageleaf Rockrose

Native Plant

Salal, Lemon Leaf

Santa Barbara or Mexican Daisy

Native Plant

Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat

Santa Cruz Rockrose

Saratoga Bay Laurel

Sargent Crab Apple

Sargent G. C. Juniper, Shimpaku

Scandia Ground Cover Juniper

Sea Lavender

Native Plant

Sea Pink, Common Thrift

Siberian Carpet Cypress

Siberian Peashrub

Siloam Plum Tree Daylily

Native Plant

Silver Bush Lupine

Silver Bush Morning Glory

Silver Cloud Violet Silverleaf

Silver Leaf Marguerite, Paris Daisy

Silvery Germander

Small Jeruselum Sage

Snow White Spreading Manuka

Soaptree Yucca

Native Plant

Southern Pink Currant

Spanish Bluebell or Scilla

Spanish Lavender

Sparkler Freeway Daisy

Spineless Yucca

Spreading Acacia

Spreading English Yew

Native Plant

Sticky Monkey Flower

Strawberry Tree

Native Plant

Sulfur Flower, Sulphur Flower

Native Plant

Sunset Bush Manzanita

Sunset Rockrose

Sweet Hakea

Sweet Olive, Tea Olive

Sweet Pea Shrub

Tam Juniper, Tamarix Juniper

Temari Violet Verbena

Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean

Texas Ranger, Texas Sage, Cenizo

Tiny Pumpkin Daylily


Tom Thumb Dwarf Flax

Totem Poles or Lilac Melaleuca

Native Plant

Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl

Trailing Gazania, Treasure Flower

Trailing Germander

True Myrtle

Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary

Variegated Century Plant

Variegated Tobira

Variegated True Myrtle

Vine Maple

Vista Jojoba

Native Plant

Weeping Giant Sequoia, Big Tree

Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum

White Lady Marguerite

White Lily of the Nile

White New Zealand Tea Tree

White Peruvian Verbena

Native Plant

White Sage, Sacred White Sage, Bee

White Texas or Autumn Sage

Wings of Gold N.Z. Flax

Native Plant

Winnifred Gillman Blue Sage

Native Plant

Woolly Blue Curls, Romero

Native Plant

Wright Buckwheat

Native Plant

Yankee Point Ground Cover Ceanothus

Yellow Hesperaloe

Yellow Margin Century Plant

Zephyr Flower, Atamasco Lily