
Clay Soil Plants

Adagio Green Eulalia Grass

African Feathertop Grass

African Sumac

Native Plant

Alkali Dropseed

Allepo Pine

Amazing Red N.Z. Flax

American Arborvitae

Amethyst Mist Purple Coral Bells

Amur Maple

Native Plant

Angelita Daisy

Anise-Scented Sage

Annual Coreopsis, Calliopsis

Annual Cosmos

Apple Annie Daylily

Apple Blossom Moss Phlox

Arcadia Ground Cover Juniper

Native Plant

Arizona or Flattop Buckwheat

Native Plant

Arizona or Velvet Ash

Arrowwood Viburnum

Asparagus Fern, Fern Asparagus

Australian Fuchsia

Australian Willow, Wilga

Austrian Pine

Autumn Gold Ginkgo Tree

Autumn Joy Stonecrop

Azure Bush Germander

Native Plant

Baby Blue Eyes

Bahia Daylily

Bald or Swamp Cypress

Bamboo Muhly

Bar Harbor Creeping Juniper

Basket of Gold, Golden-Tuft

Native Plant

Beach or Sand Strawberry

Beaked Yucca

Native Plant

Bearberry, Kinnikinnick

Beauty Bush

Native Plant

Berkeley Sedge

Black Flowering Fountain Grass

Native Plant

Black or Honey Sage

Black Walnut

Black-Eyed Stella Daylily

Blackberry Lily

Bloodgood London Plane Tree

Blue Atlas Cedar

Native Plant

Blue Blossom Ceanothus

Blue Haven Columnar Juniper

Blue Hibiscus Purple Haze

Blue Moor Grass

Native Plant

Blue Oak

Blue Pacific Ground Cover Shore Jun

Native Plant

Blue Wildrye

Native Plant

Blue-Eyed Grass

Native Plant

Blue-Green Coast Redwood


Bottlebrush Little John

Bradford Callery Pear

Bridal Wreath and Shoe Button Spira

Bright Bead Cotoneaster

Brilliant Showy Stonecrop

Brittlebush, Desert Encelia

Native Plant

Brittlebush, Incienso

Bronze Loquat

Native Plant

Bush Anemone

Bush Spurge

Butterfly Bush cv.

California Barberry or Holly Grape

Native Plant

California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My

Native Plant

California Buckeye

Native Plant

California Buckeye

Native Plant

California Coffeeberry

Native Plant

California Fan Palm

Native Plant

California Gray Rush

Native Plant

California or Golden Poppy

California Pepper, Peruvian Pepper

Native Plant

California Sagebrush

Canary Island Pine

Canberra Gem Grevillea

Candelabrum Agave, Spider Agave

Canna, Canna Lily

Native Plant

Canyon Prince Island Wild Rye

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape Mallow

Cape Plumbago

Capital Columnar Callery Pear

Native Plant

Cardinal Flower

Native Plant

Carmel Creeper

Native Plant

Carmel Sur Manzanita

Carob Tree, St. John's Bread

Carolina Laurel Cherry

Cascading Ground Cover Norway Spruc

Cast Iron Plant

Native Plant

Catalina Cherry

Native Plant

Catalina Perfume, Evergreen Currant


Center Band Agave

Century Plant

Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper Tree

Native Plant

Checkerbloom, Prairie Mallow

Chinese Elm, Chinese Evergreen Elm

Chinese Pistache

Chinese Wisteria

Chinese Wisteria Cooke's Special

Chitalpa Tree

Chocolate Vine, Five-leaf Akebia

Cleopatra Daylily

Cloth of Gold Fernleaf Yarrow

Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower

Native Plant

Coast Live Oak

Native Plant

Coast Redwood, Redwood

Colorado Spruce

Columnar Norway Maple

Native Plant

Common Field or Slender Sedge

Common Hackberry

Native Plant

Common or White Snowberry

Native Plant

Concha Ceanothus, California Lilac

Coral Beauty Bearded Iris

Coral Eyes Moss Pink

Couesii Century Plant

Native Plant

Coulter or Bigcone Pine

Crape Myrtle

Creeping Jenny, Moneywort

Native Plant

Creeping Mahonia

Creeping Mirror Plant

Creeping Red Fescue, Red Fescuegras

Creeping St. Johnswort, Aaron's Bea

Creeping Wire Vine

Crimson Pygmy Japanese Barberry

Cushion Crimson Rockrose

Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac

Native Plant

Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil

Dawn Redwood

Daylily (hybrid selection)

Daylily Pandora's Box

Dazzler N.Z. Flax

Deer Fern, Deer Tongue Fern

Native Plant

Deer Grass

Delavayi Osmanthus

Delicate Treasure Daylily

Deodar Cedar

Desert Date Palm

Native Plant

Desert or Bigelow Nolina

Desert Zinnia

Diablo Ninebark

Diana White Rose Of Sharon

Donkey Tail, Burro Tail

Double Gropelle Daylily

Double Sunburst Coreopsis/Tickseed

Native Plant

Douglas Iris

Drooping She-Oak, Coast Beefwood

Duet Yellow Hesperaloe

Dusky Bells Australian Fuchsia

Dwarf Basket-of-Gold

Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile

Native Plant

Dwarf Coyote Brush or Bush cv.

Dwarf Eared Coreopsis

Dwarf European Cranberrybush

Dwarf Hedge Viburnum

Dwarf Hinoki Cypress

Dwarf Lily of the Nile

Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwort

Dwarf Red Fountain Grass

Dwarf Twisted Dogwood


Early Sunrise Coreopsis/Tickseed

Eastern Pyracantha

Edith Fuchsia Moss Verbena

Elfin Creeping Thyme

Emerald or Smaragd Cedar

Emerald Pink Moss Pink

Endress' Cranesbill

Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras

European White Birch

Native Plant

Eve Case Compact Coffeeberry

Evergreen Eulalia

Fairy Fan Flower Mauve Clusters

Fan-Tex Ash

Feathery Cassia or Senna

Fiery Cascade Pyracantha

Flameleaf Sumac

Flamingo Green Eulalia Grass

Flaxleaf Paperbark

Forest Hills Pyracantha

Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru

Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave

Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai

Gentle Shepherd Daylily

Germander Sage

Native Plant

Giant Wild Rye

Gingerbread Man Daylily

Girl's Birthday Bearded Iris

Native Plant

Globe Mallow

Globe Norway Maple

Globe Thistle

Native Plant

Glore de Versailles Ceanothus

Glossy Abelia

Native Plant

Golden Abundance Mahonia

Golden Bamboo

Golden Barrel Cactus

Native Plant

Golden Currant

Golden Marguerite

Golden Pfitzer Juniper

Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis

Golden Variegated Forest Grass

Golden Wattle, Sydney Golden Wattle

Goldenrain Tree, Varnish Tree

Goldfink Coreopsis

Goldflame or Coral Honeysuckle

Gracillimus Green Maiden Grass

Granite Bottlebrush or Honey-Myrtle

Gray Gleam Columnar Juniper

Native Plant

Greenleaf Manzanita

Grey Desert Spoon, Sotol

Ground Cover Potentilla

Gypsy Spell Daylily


Hall's Honeysuckle

Hardy or Bower Actinidia

Heartleaf Brunnera

Hedge Maple

Hidcote English Lavender

Hidcote Goldencup Hypericum

Holly Oak, Holm Oak


Honey Locust, Sweet L., Honeyshuck

Honey or Texus Mesquite

Hopa Old-Fashioned Crabapple

Hopseed Bush, 'a'ali'i

Native Plant

Horsetail Rush

Horsetail Tree

Native Plant

Hummingbird or Pitcher Sage

Huntington Carpet Rosemary

Hybrid Forsythia

Hybrid Mimulus selections

Idaho Locust

Imperial Bronze Siberian Iris

Improved Freesia

Native Plant

Incense Cedar

Indian Currant, Coralberry

Indian Laurel Fig, Chinese Banyan

Indian Mock Strawberry

Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy

Irene Creeping Rosemary

Native Plant

Island Bush Poppy

Italian Stone Pine

Ivory Bells Australian Fuchsia

Jacquemontii Birch

Japanese Barberry, Gold Barberry

Japanese Black Pine

Japanese Boxwood

Japanese Double Kerria

Japanese Flowering Quince

Japanese Garden Juniper

Japanese Pagoda Tree, Chinese Schol

Joan Senior Daylily

Johnson's Blue Cranesbil

Native Plant

Jojoba, Goatnut

Joseph's Coat

Native Plant

Joyce Coulter Ceanothus, California

Judith Daylily

Jujube, Chinese Date

Native Plant

Julia Phelps Ceanothus, California

Jupiter's Beard, Red Valerian

Kaleidescope Abelia

Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass

Native Plant

Ken Hartman California Holly Grape

Ken Taylor Trailing Rosemary


Krauter Vesuvius Purple-Leaf Plum

Lady Elizabeth Daylily

Lady Lucille Daylily

Lalandei Tall Pyracantha

Lamb's Ears Silver Carpet

Lance Coreopsis

Lantana Patriot, Classic Passion

Large Leaf Silverberry

Laurestinus Viburnum

Lavender Cotton

Lee Bea Orange Crush Daylily

Lemon Bottlebrush

Lemon Queen Sunflower

Lemon Swirl Lantana

Lemon-Scented Gum

Native Plant

Lemonade Berry

Licorice Mint, Sunset Hyssop

Lindheimer's Muhly

Little Bobo Daylily

Little Bulestem Grass

Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass

Little Joy Daylily

Little Leaf Cordia

Little Ollie or Montra Olive

Little Princess Japanese Spirea

Lochinch Summer Lilac



Lullaby Baby Daylily

Magenta Carpet Cranesbill

Native Plant

Mahonia 'Golden Abundance'

Maiden's Wreath

Majorica Pink Twisting Rosemary

Native Plant

Margarita Foothill Penstemon

Marse Connell Daylily

Master Magician Daylily

Native Plant

Matilija Poppy

Medio-Picta Century Plant

Melody Doll Daylily

Mendocino Reed Grass

Mescal Ceniza Agave

Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage

Mexican Creeping Lobelia

Native Plant

Mexican Elderberry

Mexican Evening Primrose

Mexican Fan Palm

Mexican Feather Grass

Mexican Golden Poppy

Mexican Orange or Mock Orange

Midnight Penstemon (dark purple)

Miss Lingard White Thick-Leaf Phlox

Moerheim Santa Barbara Daisy

Mondo Grass

Moonbeam Threadleaf Coreopsis

Moonlight Golden Marguerite

Morning Light Silver Grass

Native Plant

Mosquito Grass, Blue Grama Grass

Mountain Flax

Mountain Flax

Mrs. B. G. Bonner Daylily

Mugho Pine

Mullein Pink, Rose Campion

Murphy's Agave

Muskogee Lavender Crape Myrtle

Myer's Asparagus

Naked Lady, Belladonna Lily

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

Natchez White Crape Myrtle

New Gold Trailing Lantana

Nichol's Willow-Leafed Peppermint

Noell's Grevillea

Northern or Western Catalpa

Northern Sea Oats, Bamboo Grass

Norway Maple

Orange Crush Daylily

Orchid Spot or Orchid Rockrose

Native Plant

Oregon Grape

Oriental Arborvitae

Oriental Fountain Grass

Oriental Poppy

Native Plant

Owls Blue Ceanothus

Native Plant

Pacific Madrone, Madrona

Native Plant

Pacific Mist Manzanita

Native Plant

Pacific Wax Myrtle

Pacific Wild Ginger

Pandora's Box Daylily

Native Plant


Parrasana Agave

Parry's Agave, Orange Century Plan

Parsons Ground Cover Juniper

Pineapple Guava, Feijoa

Pink Abelia

Pink Dawn Chitalpa Tree

Pink French Pussy willow

Pink Hybrid Locust

Pink Melaleuca

Pink Plume Eulalia Grass

Pink Soap Aloe

Pink Stripe N.Z. Flax

Pink Tree Mallow

Pink-a-Boo TM Deutzia

Native Plant

Point Reyes Bearberry

Pojo Daylily

Polydan Eucalyptus


Prairie Zinnia

Premier Siberian Iris

Pride of Madeira

Prima Fossi Daylily

Native Plant

Prostrate Coyote Brush or Bush

Prostrate Rosemary

Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme

Purple Coneflower

Purple Delight Blue Hibiscus

Purple Hopseed or Hop Bush

Native Plant

Purple Needle Bunch Grass

Purple Robe Locust

Purple Showers Viola

Purple-Leaf Acacia

Pyramidal European Hornbean

Pyrenees Cotoneaster

Radiance N.Z.Flax

Radiation Lantana

Native Plant

Red Buckwheat

Red Bunny Tails Fountain Grass

Red Damask N.Z. Tea Tree

Native Plant

Red Flowering or Pink Winter Curran

Red Fountain Grass

Red Hot Poker

Red or Pink Ironbark

Red or Purple Guava

Red or Scarlet Maple

Red Push Chinese Pistache

Red Spider Daylily

Red Sunset Maple

Red Yucca

Red-Hot Poker, Torch Lily

Red-Leaf Japanese Barberry

Redtwig or Red Osier Dogwood

River She-Oak

Robert Young Bamboo

Native Plant

Roger's Red Grape

Rojo Alto Daylily


Ruffled Canary Siberian Iris

Russian Rhapsody Daylily

Sageleaf Rockrose

Saltillo Evening Primrose

Samia Mat Sage

Santa Barbara Daisy selection

Santa Barbara or Mexican Daisy

Santa Cruz Rockrose

Saratoga Bay Laurel

Sargent Crab Apple

Saw-Leaf or Japanese Zelkova

Scalon Red Maple

Native Plant

Scarlet Monkey Flower

Sea Lavender

Sebastian Daylily

Semi-trailing Yellow Gazania

Serbian Bellflower

Shamel or Evergreen Ash

Shiny Xylosma

Showy Milkweed

Siberian Elm

Siberian Peashrub

Siberian Wallflower

Silk & Heavy Daylily

Siloam Plum Tree Daylily

Silver Cloud Violet Silverleaf

Silver Dollar Gum

Silver Dollar, Giant Prickly Pear C

Silver Fountain Butterfly Bush

Silver Lace Vine

Silver Lace Society Garlic

Silver or Large Wormwood

Silvery Sunproof Lilyturf

Siskiyou Mexican Evening Primrose

Skyrocket Columnar Juniper

Smooth-Edged or Weber Agave

Snowdrift Crabapple

Soaptree Yucca

Native Plant

Soquel Coast Redwood

Sour Gum, Tupelo, Pepperidge

Native Plant

Southern Pink Currant

Southern Sword Fern

Southwest Coral Bells

Spanish Bluebell or Scilla

Spanish Lavender

Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower

Native Plant

Spice Bush

Spike Gayfeather, Blazing Star

Spreading Acacia

Sterntaler Lance Coreopsis

Strawberry Tree

Native Plant

Streamside Monkey Flower

Striped Calamus or Sweet Flag

Striped Society Garlic

Native Plant

Sugar Bush

Sun Singer Siberian Iris

Sunburst Hypericum

Sunburst Trailing Gazania

Sundowner N.Z. Flax


Native Plant

Sunset Bush Manzanita

Sunset Rockrose

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Flag

Sweet Hakea

Tam Juniper, Tamarix Juniper

Native Plant

Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak

Tatarian Maple

Tea Crabapple

Terra Cotta Baby Daylily

Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean

Texas Olive, Anacahiita

Tiny Pumpkin Daylily

Tom Thumb Dwarf Flax

Native Plant

Torrey Pine

Native Plant

Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl

Trailing Gazania, Treasure Flower

Trailing Lantana

Tree Mallow

Tricolor Dragon's Blood Sedum

Tubac Purple Pad Opuntia

Tufted Hair Grass

Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary

Tuscarora Deep Pink Crape Myrtle

Twin Crown Daylily

Two Row Stonecrop

Ural False Spirea

Native Plant

Valley Oak, Calif. White Oak, Roble

Variegated Century Plant

Variegated English Ivy

Variegated Feather Reed Grass

Variegated Gout Weed

Variegated Hybrid Weigela

Variegated Ribbon Grass, Gardener's

Variegated Silver Grass

Vinca Rosea, Madagascar Periwinkle

Vine Maple

Vista Jojoba

Walther Funcke Yarrow

Waxleaf Privet

Weeping Bottlebrush

Native Plant

Weeping Giant Sequoia, Big Tree

Weeping White Mulberry

Native Plant

Western Columbine

Native Plant

Western Redbud

Native Plant

White Alder, Western Alder

White Angel Crabapple

White Ash

Native Plant

White California Poppy

White Fairy Lily

Native Plant

White Fir, Silver Fir

White Flowering Freeway Daisy

White Lightnin' Trailing Lantana

White Lily of the Nile

White Lily of the Nile

White New Zealand Tea Tree

White Texas or Autumn Sage

Native Plant

Wild Mock Orange

Wind Frills Daylily

Wisley Pink Sunrose

Wynyabbie Gem Westringia

Native Plant

Yankee Point Ground Cover Ceanothus

Yellow Bird Of Paradise

Yellow Bush Spurge

Yellow Cape Honeysuckle

Yellow Cosmos

Yellow Cypress

Yellow Hesperaloe

Yellow Margin Century Plant

Yellow Rabbitbush

Yellow Trailing Lantana

Yellow Wave N.Z. Flax

Native Plant

Yellow-Eyed Grass

Zebra Grass