Acanthus, Bear's Breech
Ageratum, Floss flower
Ajuga, Bugle Flower, Carpet Bugle
Anise-Scented Sage
Annual Lobelia
Annual Sweet Pea
Aromas Cleveland Sage
Australian Bluebell Creeper
Azure Bush Germander
Azure or Russian Sage
Baby Blue Eyes
Balloon Flower
Bearded Iris
Bird of Paradise
Black or Honey Sage
Blue Blossom Ceanothus
Blue False Sea Holly
Blue Hibiscus
Blue Hibiscus Purple Haze
Blue Lavandin, Provence Lavender
Blue Mist
Blue Mist Shrub
Blue Spike or Bog Sage
Blue Staccato Bearded Iris
Blue Star Creeper
Blue-Eyed Grass
Breakers Bearded Iris
Bush Germander
Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Candle Delphinium, Candle Larkspur
Cape Plumbago
Carmel Creeper
Chinese Forget-me-not
Chinese Wisteria
Chinese Wisteria Cooke's Special
Cleveland Sage Hybrid
Cleveland Sage, Calif. Blue Sage
Common Aubrieta, False Rockcress
Common Garden Petunia
Common Lilac
Common Morning Glory
Cornflower or Bachelor's Button
Crested Celosia
Cushion Butterfly Bush
Danesblood Bellflower
Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil
Daylily Magic Man
Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Cup Flower
Dwarf Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwort
Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle
English or Polyanthus Primrose
Evans Hebe
Fairy Fan Flower Mauve Clusters
Florists' Cineraria
Foothill Penstemon
Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
Garden Pansy
Garden Stock
Germander Sage
Giant Catmit
Globe Amaranth
Globe Gilia, Blue Thimble
Globe Thistle
Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Grace Ward Lithodora
Grandma's Purple Flag Bearded Iris
Great Bellflower
Ground Morning Glory
Hidcote English Lavender
Huntington Carpet Rosemary
Improved Freesia
Irene Creeping Rosemary
Jackman Purple Large-Flowered Clema
Japanese Flowering Crabapple
Johnson's Blue Cranesbil
Joyce Coulter Ceanothus, California
Julia Phelps Ceanothus, California
Lily of the Nile
Lily Turf
Lochinch Summer Lilac
Margarita Foothill Penstemon
Martha Washington Geranium
Midnight Penstemon (dark purple)
Monterey Bay Blue Hibiscus
Munstead Compact English Lavender
Otto Quast Spanish Lavender
Pacific Coast Irises
Peruvian Scilla
Pincushion Flower
Pink Hybrid Locust
Pride of Madeira
Princess Flower
Prostrate Rosemary
Purple and White Pacific Coast Iris
Purple Delight Blue Hibiscus
Purple Robe Locust
Purple Showers Viola
Ray Hartman Ceanothus
Rose Of Sharon, Shrub Althaea
Sea Lavender
Sea of Joy Bearded Iris
Serbian Bellflower
Siloam Plum Tree Daylily
Silver Bush Lupine
Silver Fountain Butterfly Bush
Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower
Spider Flower
Sweet Alyssum
Trailing Germander
Windflower or Greek Anemone
Yankee Point Ground Cover Ceanothus