
Shade Plants

Acanthus, Bear's Breech

African Queen Butterfly Bush

Ajuga, Bugle Flower, Carpet Bugle

Amazing Red N.Z. Flax

Amethyst Mist Purple Coral Bells

Annual Lobelia

Arrowwood Viburnum

Asparagus Fern, Fern Asparagus

Australian Bluebell Creeper

Australian Tree Fern

Baby Tears, Angel's Tears

Bar Harbor Creeping Juniper

Native Plant

Beach or Sand Strawberry

Native Plant

Big-Leaf Maple, Oregon or Canyon Ma

Blackberry Lily

Bladder Campion

Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Blue Pfitzer Juniper

Blue Plume or Boulevard Cypress

Blue Star Creeper

Boston Ivy

Native Plant

Box Elder

Burford Holly

Burnished Bronze Coral Bells

Native Plant

Bush Anemone

Butterfly Bush cv.

Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac

Butterfly Japanese Maple

Calceolaria cultivar

Native Plant

California Coral Bells

Calla Lily or Calla

Native Plant

Cardinal Flower

Cast Iron Plant

Cathedral Windows Coral Bells


Chinese Wisteria

Chinese Wisteria Cooke's Special

Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells

Chocolate Vine, Five-leaf Akebia

Christmas Rose

Cigar Plant, Firecracker Plant


Common Bleeding Heart

Common Camellia

Common Foxglove

Native Plant

Common or White Snowberry

Common Trumpet Creeper

Compressa Columnar Juniper

Coral Aloe

Coral Bark Maple

Coral Bells

Native Plant

Cream Bush, Ocean Spray

Creeping Fig

Creeping Jenny, Moneywort

Native Plant

Creeping Mahonia

Creeping Red Fescue, Red Fescuegras

Creeping St. Johnswort, Aaron's Bea

Creeping Wire Vine

Crimson Queen Japanese Maple

Crinodonna Lily

Curly Top or Leather Leaf Sedge

Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac

Deer Fern, Deer Tongue Fern

Native Plant

Douglas Iris

Dove Tree, Hankerchief Tree

Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile

Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea

Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwort

Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle

Eastern Dogwood

Eastern Dogwood

Eastern Redbud

Native Plant

Elizabeth Bush Anemone

Englemann Prickly Pear

Evergreen Candytuft

Evergreen Clematis

Evergreen David Viburnum

Fairy or Baby Primrose

False or Hawaiian or Mexican Heathe

Fern Pine


Fire to Make Immortality Tree Peony

Florists' Cineraria

Florists' Cyclamen

Flowering Maple, Chinese Lantern

Flying Swallow in Red Dress Tree Pe

Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru

Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave

Native Plant

Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry

Garden Hydrangea

Garden Pansy

Native Plant

Giant Chain Fern

Giant Running Timber Bamboo

Glossy Ternstroemia

Goddess of Mt. E Mei Tree Peony

Gold Dust Plant selections

Golden Bamboo

Native Plant

Golden Currant

Golden Pfitzer Juniper

Great Bellflower

Ground Cover Potentilla

Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo

Hahn's English Ivy

Hardy or Bower Actinidia

Heartleaf Bergenia, Winter Bergenia

Heartleaf Brunnera

Hearts and Flowers

Honey Bush

Honeysuckle Fuchsia

Hosta (hybrid) assorted

Native Plant

Hummingbird or Pitcher Sage

Hybrid Mimulus selections

Improved Freesia

Indian Currant, Coralberry

Indian Mock Strawberry

Native Plant

Iris 'Canyon Snow'

Native Plant

Island Alum Root

Ivory Bells Australian Fuchsia

Ivy Geranium

Japanese Aucuba

Japanese Blood Grass

Japanese Double Kerria

Japanese Fatsia

Japanese Garden Juniper

Japanese Maple

Japanese Pagoda Tree, Chinese Schol

Japanese Spurge

Japanese Tassel Fern

Kaleidescope Abelia

Native Plant

Ken Hartman California Holly Grape

Lady Fern

Laurestinus Viburnum

Lavender Passion Vine

Lavender Trumpet Vine

Lily of the Nile

Lily Turf

Lily-of-the-Valley Shrub

Limelight Strawflower

Long- Leafed Yellow-wood

Lotus-Like Tree Peony

Maiden's Wreath

Maltese Cross

Martha Washington Geranium

Mexican Feather Grass

Mexican Weeping Bamboo

Miniature Trailing Gardenia

Mondo Grass

Mountain Flax

Mountain Flax

Myer's Asparagus

Naked Lady, Belladonna Lily

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

Needlepoint English Ivy

Netted Chain Fern, or Narrow-Leaved

New Zealand Flax

Northern Sea Oats, Bamboo Grass

Oakleaf Hydrangea

Native Plant

Oregon Grape

Oriental Arborvitae

Native Plant

Pacific Coast Irises

Native Plant

Pacific Madrone, Madrona

Pacific Wild Ginger

Palace Purple Coral Bells

Persian Carpet Coral Bells

Pfitzer Juniper

Pink Abelia

Pink Panda Ground Cover Strawberry

Native Plant

Point Reyes Bearberry

Purple and White Pacific Coast Iris

Purple Kudzu Scarf Tree Peony

Purple Robe Dwarf Cup Flower

Purple Showers Viola

Purplish N.Z. Flax

Rainbow Warrior N.Z. Flax

Razzleberry Red Fringe Flower

Red Barrenwort

Native Plant

Red Flowering or Pink Winter Curran

Red Fringe Flower cultivar

Red Japanese Maple

Red-Hot Poker, Torch Lily

Redwood Sorrel, Oregon Oxalis

Native Plant

Roger's Red Grape

Rojo Alto Daylily

Rose or Purple Verbena

Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage

Rosea Japanese Wisteria

Rubens Pink Anemone Clematis


Native Plant

Salal, Lemon Leaf

Sandankwa Viburnum

Scandia Ground Cover Juniper

Native Plant

Scarlet Monkey Flower

Serbian Bellflower

Shalina Japanese Maple

Shindeshojo Japanese Maple

Shishi Gashira Japanese Maple

Siberian Carpet Cypress

Silver Lace Vine

Silvery Sunproof Lilyturf

Snake Plant Sansevieria, Mother-in-

Society Garlic

South African Fern Pine

Native Plant

Southern Pink Currant

Southern Sword Fern

Southwest Coral Bells

Spangles Coral Bells

Spanish Bluebell or Scilla

Native Plant

Spice Bush

Spotted Nettle, Dead Nettle

Spreading English Yew

Sprenger Asparagus

Spring Bouquet Compact Laurustinus

Springtime Rhaph or Indian Hawthor

Star Jasmine, Maile Haole

Native Plant

Streamside Monkey Flower

Surfer N.Z. Flax

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Woodruff

Tam Juniper, Tamarix Juniper

Native Plant

Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak

Tasmanian Tree Fern

Tatarian Maple

Trailing Rock Soapwort

Tufted Hair Grass

Umbrella Plant or Flat Sedge

Upright Japanese Yew

Ural False Spirea

Variegated English Ivy

Variegated Garden Hydrangea

Variegated Gout Weed

Variegated Lilyturf

Variegated Ribbon Grass, Gardener's

Veitch Compact Gardenia

Vine Maple

Virginia Creeper

Native Plant

Western Azalea

Native Plant

Western Columbine

Native Plant

Western Sword Fern

Native Plant

White Alder, Western Alder

White Bacopa

White Fairy Lily

Native Plant

White Fir, Silver Fir

White Flowering Maple

White Lily of the Nile

White Variegated Dogwood

Windflower or Greek Anemone

Winter Daphne

Winter White Dead Nettle


Wonderful Edible Pomegranate

Yellow Wood

Native Plant

Yellow-Eyed Grass


Yew Pine

Zephyr Flower, Atamasco Lily