
Attracts Birds

Apple Annie Daylily

Native Plant

Aromas Cleveland Sage

Arrowwood Viburnum

Atlas Cedar

Bahia Daylily

Native Plant

Beach or Sand Strawberry

Bearberry Cotoneaster

Native Plant

Blue Oak

Burford Holly

California Barberry or Holly Grape

Native Plant

California Black Oak

Native Plant

California Coffeeberry

Native Plant

California Wild Grape

Carolina Laurel Cherry

Native Plant

Catalina Cherry

Cleopatra Daylily

Native Plant

Cleveland Sage, Calif. Blue Sage

Native Plant

Coast Live Oak

Native Plant

Coast Redwood, Redwood

Compact Carolina Laurel Cherry

Cork Oak

Native Plant

Creeping Mahonia

Native Plant

Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil

Delicate Treasure Daylily

Double Gropelle Daylily

Native Plant

Dwarf Coyote Brush or Bush cv.

Dwarf European Cranberrybush

Dwarf Pomegranate

Dwarf Strawberry Tree

Eastern Dogwood

Eastern Dogwood

Eastern Pyracantha

Native Plant

Eve Case Compact Coffeeberry

Native Plant

Evergreen or Wild Huckleberry

Fan-Tex Ash

Fiery Cascade Pyracantha

Forest Hills Pyracantha

Frades Compact Escallonia

Native Plant

Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry

Garden or Common Sunflower

Native Plant

Giant Wild Rye

Gingerbread Man Daylily

Gold Dust Plant selections

Gold Spot Euonymus

Native Plant

Golden Currant

Golden Elaeagnus

Native Plant

Golden Eye

Granite Bottlebrush or Honey-Myrtle

Gray Gleam Columnar Juniper

Native Plant

Greenleaf Manzanita

Gypsy Spell Daylily

Hall's Honeysuckle

Hardy or Bower Actinidia

Hearts and Flowers

Hillier Tea Crabapple

Honey Locust, Sweet L., Honeyshuck

Huntington Carpet Rosemary

Native Plant

Incense Cedar

Native Plant

Interior Live Oak

Ivory Bells Australian Fuchsia

Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Japanese Maple

Judith Daylily

Jujube, Chinese Date

Native Plant

Ken Hartman California Holly Grape

Kiwi, Chinese Gooseberry Vine

Lady Elizabeth Daylily

Lady Lucille Daylily

Lalandei Tall Pyracantha

Large Blue Fescue, Tufted Fescue

Lee Bea Orange Crush Daylily

Lemon Swirl Lantana


Lullaby Baby Daylily

Native Plant

Manzanita Emerald Carpet

Marina Strawberry Madrone

Master Magician Daylily

Melody Doll Daylily

Native Plant

Mexican Elderberry

Mexican Weeping Bamboo

Mrs. B. G. Bonner Daylily

Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo

Orange Crush Daylily

Native Plant

Oregon Ash

Native Plant

Oregon Grape

Native Plant

Pacific Madrone, Madrona

Native Plant

Pacific Wax Myrtle

Pandora's Box Daylily

Paul's Scarlet Carriere Hawthorn

Native Plant

Point Reyes Bearberry

Prima Fossi Daylily

Native Plant

Purple or Gray Sage

Purple-Leaf Acacia

Radiation Lantana

Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster

Red Elderberry

Native Plant

Red Flowering or Pink Winter Curran

Red Spider Daylily

Red-Leaf Japanese Barberry

Ruby King Penstemon (deep pink)

Santa Cruz Firethorn

Sargent Crab Apple

Sebastian Daylily

Native Plant

Sentinel Manzanita

Shalina Japanese Maple

Shindeshojo Japanese Maple

Shishi Gashira Japanese Maple

Silk & Heavy Daylily

Silk Tree, Mimosa Tree

Siloam Plum Tree Daylily

Snowdrift Crabapple

Sour Gum, Tupelo, Pepperidge

Native Plant

Southern Pink Currant

Strawberry Tree

Native Plant

Sunset Bush Manzanita

Native Plant

Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak

Tea Crabapple

Thundercloud Copper-Purple-Purple L

Tiny Pumpkin Daylily

Native Plant

Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl

Trident Maple

Twin Crown Daylily

Native Plant

Valley Oak, Calif. White Oak, Roble

Variegated True Myrtle

Vine Maple

Virginia Creeper

Washington Thorn

Waxleaf Privet

Native Plant

Weeping Giant Sequoia, Big Tree

Weeping White Mulberry

Native Plant

White Alder, Western Alder

White Angel Crabapple

White Ash

White Variegated Dogwood

Wind Frills Daylily

Yellow Bird Of Paradise

Yellow Trailing Lantana