
Fragrant Plants

African Queen Butterfly Bush

All That Jazz Bearded Iris

Anne Russell Viburnum

Annual Sweet Pea

Native Plant

Aromas Cleveland Sage

Azure or Russian Sage

Banana Shrub

Bearded Iris

Beaucatcher Bearded Iris

Bengal Tiger Bearded Iris

Beverly Sills Bearded Iris

Native Plant

Black or Honey Sage

Blackstem Pittosporum, Kohuhu

Blatant Bearded Iris

Blue Lavandin, Provence Lavender

Blue Staccato Bearded Iris


Bowles Mauve Wallflower

Breakers Bearded Iris

Burford Holly

Butterfly Bush cv.

Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac

Cable Car Bearded Iris

Native Plant

California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My

Native Plant

California Buckeye

Native Plant

California Buckeye

Native Plant

California Sagebrush

Native Plant

California Wild Grape

Camphor Tree

Native Plant

Canyon Gray Coastal Sagebrush

Native Plant

Carmel Creeper

Carnation, Clove Pink

Carolina Jessamine

Native Plant

Catalina Cherry

Native Plant

Catalina Perfume, Evergreen Currant


Cecile Brunner Rose

Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper Tree

Cherokee Climbing Rose

Chinese Wisteria

Chinese Wisteria Cooke's Special

Chocolate Vine, Five-leaf Akebia

Native Plant

Cleveland Sage Hybrid

Native Plant

Cleveland Sage, Calif. Blue Sage

Climbing Rose

Climbing Rose

Native Plant

Coast Redwood, Redwood

Common Lilac

Common Snow Ball

Common Thyme

Common Yarrow Summer Pastels

Confetti Lantana

Coral Beauty Bearded Iris

Crinodonna Lily

Cushion Butterfly Bush

Native Plant

Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil

Daylily Magic Man

Daylily Pandora's Box

Dazzling Gold Bearded Iris

Delicate Treasure Daylily

Dusky Challenger Bearded Iris

Dwarf Escallonia

Dwarf True Myrtle

Echo De France Bearded Iris

Elfin Creeping Thyme

Native Plant

Elizabeth Bush Anemone

English or Polyanthus Primrose

Evergreen Clematis

Evergreen David Viburnum

Evergreen or Flowering Pear

Fern Yarrow


Fragrant Mock Orange

French Gray Lavender

Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris

Garden or Common Geranium

Giant Catmit

Girl's Birthday Bearded Iris

Glossy Abelia

Glossy Ternstroemia

Golden Breath Of Heaven

Golden Breath Of Heaven

Golden Marguerite

Golden Wattle, Sydney Golden Wattle

Goldenrain Tree, Varnish Tree

Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender

Graberi Tall Pyracantha

Grandma's Purple Flag Bearded Iris

Grosso Hedge Lavender

Hall's Honeysuckle

Heather Blush Bearded Iris

Hemstiched Bearded Iris

Hidcote English Lavender

Hillier Tea Crabapple

Native Plant

Hummingbird or Pitcher Sage

Hybrid Forsythia

Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)

Idaho Locust

Imperial Bronze Siberian Iris

Improved Freesia

Improved Meyer Lemon

Native Plant

Incense Cedar

Irene Creeping Rosemary

Jackman Purple Large-Flowered Clema

Japanese Flowering Crabapple

Japanese Tree Peony

Japanese Viburnum

Joan Senior Daylily

Native Plant

Julia Phelps Ceanothus, California

Jupiter's Beard, Red Valerian

Kaleidescope Abelia

Ken Taylor Trailing Rosemary

Laurestinus Viburnum

Lavender Cotton

Lavender Cotton

Lavender Lady English Lavender

Lemon Verbena

Lemon-Scented Gum

Licorice Mint, Sunset Hyssop

Light Beam Bearded Iris

Little-Leaf Linden


Lullaby Baby Daylily

Majorica Pink Twisting Rosemary

Mandolin Bearded Iris

Merlot Mood Bearded Iris

Mexican Orange or Mock Orange

Miniature Annual Marguerite

Miniature Italian Cypress

Miniature Trailing Gardenia

Miss Lingard White Thick-Leaf Phlox

Moonlight Golden Marguerite

Mother-of-Thyme, Creeping Thyme

Mountain Violet Bearded Iris

Mugho Pine

Munstead Compact English Lavender

Nichol's Willow-Leafed Peppermint

Olive, Edible Olive

Orange Crush Daylily

Orchid Spot or Orchid Rockrose

Ornamental Onion

Otto Quast Spanish Lavender

Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris

Pink Abelia

Pink Breath Of Heaven

Pink Jasmine

Native Plant

Point Sal Spreader Purple Sage

Premier Siberian Iris

Native Plant

Prostrate Coyote Brush or Bush

Prostrate Rosemary

Native Plant

Purple or Gray Sage

Native Plant

Ray Hartman Ceanothus

Red Climbing Rose

Native Plant

Red Flowering or Pink Winter Curran

Red Spider Daylily

Red Star Texas or Autumn Sage

Reincarnation Bearded Iris

Roman Chamomile

Rose or Purple Verbena

Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage

Rose selected cultivars


Ruffled Canary Siberian Iris

Sageleaf Rockrose

Sandankwa Viburnum

Santa Cruz Firethorn

Sea of Joy Bearded Iris

Shademaster Honey Locust

Shrub Pink Floribunda Rose

Shrub Rose

Siberian Wallflower

Siloam Plum Tree Daylily

Silver Lace Vine

Silvery Germander


Society Garlic

Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay

Spanish Lavender

Star Jasmine, Maile Haole

Striped Society Garlic

Sun Singer Siberian Iris

Superstition Bearded Iris

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet Bay, Bay Tree, Grecian Laurel

Sweet Musette Bearded Iris

Sweet Olive, Tea Olive

Sweet Woodruff

Tarata Pittosporum

Tea Crabapple

Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean

Tiny Pumpkin Daylily


Tree Roses

True Myrtle

Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary

Variegated Tobira

Variegated True Myrtle

Veitch Compact Gardenia

Victor Reiter Thyme

Waxleaf Privet

Native Plant

Western Azalea

Western Yarrow, Pink Island (form)

Wheeler's Dwarf Pittosporum

White Bacopa

White Lady Banks' Rose

Native Plant

White Sage, Sacred White Sage, Bee

Whoop Em Up Bearded Iris

Native Plant

Wild Mock Orange

Native Plant

Winnifred Gillman Blue Sage

Winter Daphne

Yellow Cypress

Yellow Star Jasmine, Confederate Vi

Yellow Wood

Yew Pine