Common name:Moonshine Yarrow, Milfoil, Sneezewo
Botanical name:Achillea 'Moonshine'
Long, straight stems with pale yellow flowers are striking on the mats of green to grey-green leaves of this plant, which are flatter and less divided than those of the Achillea millefolium. This Yarrow propagates easily from rooted cuttings or divisions which should be performed in the early spring or fall. Following bloom, one should dead head the plant and divide the clumps when it appears crowded. Introduced by Alan Bloom in the 1950's.
Common name:Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage
Botanical name:Salvia greggii 'Rose Pink'
This shrub will grow 1'-4' tall and 1'-4' wide. It has glossy green leaves with pink flowers that bloom from fall to spring.
Common name:Apple Blossom Penstemon (pale pink)
Botanical name:Penstemon 'Apple Blossom'
This Penstemon is a showy perennial that remains2'-4' high It has light pink tubular blossoms on long flower spikes with white throats. It blooms from spring through the fall and is hardy to 15 degrees F. It is also drought tolerant, and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. -Cornflower Farms
Common name:California or Golden Poppy
Botanical name:Eschscholzia californica
This small annual (sometimes acts as a perennial) plant will grow to less than 1' tall and has light, small blue-green leaves with gold and orange flowers that bloom in spring and summer.
Common name:Azure or Russian Sage
Botanical name:Perovskia X atriplicifolia
This broad perennial will grow 3'-6' tall and has small, grey-green leaves with blue-violet flowers that bloom in the summer. Foliage is aromatic if brushed against it.
Common name:Spanish Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula stoechas
This dense shrub grows 2'-3' tall with blue-grey foliage and deep purple flowers that have large showy bracts in spring and summer near the top of the spikes. It has low watering needs once it's established. It prefers full sun. Foliage is aromatic.
Common name:Cushion Dusty Miller, Silver Ground
Botanical name:Senecio cineraria
The Dusty Miller grows to 2' tall and wide, with velvety gray leaves that have broad, roundish lobes. Yellow flowers heads appear in summer and sometimes, intermittently. Dead head occasionally to encourage bushiness. Use foliage for cut flower arrangements. It prefers full sun and medium amount of watering. It is not frost hardy.
Common name:Grosso Hedge Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula X intermedia 'Grosso'
Long-stemmed Lavender has beautiful violet-colored plumes in the summer. Very drought tolerant and it is a great plant to create that Mediterranean effect.
Common name:Idaho Locust
Botanical name:Robinia X ambigua 'Idahoensis'
This tree will grow 40' tall by 30' wide and has small, light green leaves with clusters of bright magenta fragrant flowers that bloom in spring. Leaves turn yellow in fall and then drop. This upward arching tree tolerates heat as well as cold. Idaho Locust prefers full to part sun and well draining soil. This variety has no seed pods.
Common name:Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Botanical name:Buddleja davidii
Butterfly bush is a fast growing deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub ranging from 3' up to 10'. It has an open, rangy growth habit. It should be cut back nearly to the ground in fall or spring for size control and appearance. - Cornflower Farms There are various cultivars that come in pinks and purple flowers.
Common name:Columnar Italian Cypress
Botanical name:Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta'
Italian Cypress is often associated with Italian and Spanish architecture, providing columns in the landscape. They often reach 60' tall. 'Stricta' is compact, columnar and produces long, straight branches with deep green foliage.
In the natural world the endless cycle of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth flows throughout the seasons. Plants die, leaves fall and new growth springs up in its place. Nothing is lost and the fallen leaves and dead plants decay into the soil, enriching it for the next generation of growth.
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Designer: | Color Display One |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.
Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.