
Plants by Common Name

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Aloe maculata

Pink Soap Aloe

Phormium 'Pink Stripe'

Pink Stripe N.Z. Flax

Lavatera thuringiaca 'Rosea'

Pink Tree Mallow

Deutzia hybrids 'Pink-A-Boo'

Pink-a-Boo TM Deutzia

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 'Point Reyes' Native Plant

Point Reyes Bearberry

Salvia leucophylla 'Point Sal Spreader' Native Plant

Point Sal Spreader Purple Sage

Hemerocallis 'Pojo'

Pojo Daylily

Eucalyptus polyanthemos 'Polydan'

Polydan Eucalyptus

Punica granatum


Sedum X rubrotinctum

Pork And Beans

Solanum laxum

Potatoe Vine

Lagerstroemia 'Potomac'

Potomac Pink Crape Myrtle

Artemisia 'Powis Castle'

Powis Castle Artemisia

Verbena rigida

Prairie Verbena, Sandpaper V.

Zinnia grandiflora

Prairie Zinnia

Iris Siberian 'Premier'

Premier Siberian Iris

Argemone munita

Prickly Poppy

Echium candicans

Pride of Madeira

Hemerocallis 'Prima Fossi'

Prima Fossi Daylily

Jasminum mesnyi

Primrose Jasmine

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