
Plants by Common Name

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Iris bearded 'Girl's Birthday'

Girl's Birthday Bearded Iris

Gomphrena globosa

Globe Amaranth

Picea pungens glauca 'Globosa'

Globe Blue Spruce

Gilia capitata Native Plant

Globe Gilia, Blue Thimble

Sphaeralcea ambigua Native Plant

Globe Mallow

Acer platanoides 'Globosum'

Globe Norway Maple

Echinops ritro

Globe Thistle

Ceanothus delilanus 'Glore de Versailles Native Plant

Glore de Versailles Ceanothus

Rudbeckia hirta

Gloriosa Daisy, Black-Eyed Susan

Abelia X grandiflora

Glossy Abelia

Ternstroemia gymnanthera

Glossy Ternstroemia

Paeonia 'Goddess of Mt. E Mei'

Goddess of Mt. E Mei Tree Peony

Aucuba japonica 'Variegata' cvs.

Gold Dust Plant selections

Euonymus japonica 'Aureo Variegatus'

Gold Spot Euonymus

Aloe X nobilis

Gold Toothed Aloe

Allamanda cathartica

Golden Trumpet, Allamanda

Mahonia 'Golden Abundance' Native Plant

Golden Abundance Mahonia

Phyllostachys aurea

Golden Bamboo

Echinocactus grusonii

Golden Barrel Cactus

Coleonema pulchellum 'Sunset Gold'

Golden Breath Of Heaven

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