

Gallery: Parking Strips

Catmint Strip
Orange Crush Daylily
Ground Morning Glory
Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Orange Crush Daylily

Common name:Orange Crush Daylily
Botanical name:Hemerocallis 'Orange Crush'

This strap-leafed perennial is enjoyed for it enduring flowers and hearty constitution. It has dark green leaves that protrude from the base and lovely lily-like flowers that burst forward from long stems that can grow up to 18" high. The flower is orange colored with a red eye. It is also fragrant. It needs full sun or half sun. It has medium watering requirements. -Greenwood Daylily Gardens


Common name:Catmint
Botanical name:Nepeta X faassenii

Nepeta faassenii makes soft, grey-green, undulating mounds to 1.5' high in bloom, spreading 3'-4' wide. The small leaves are attractive to cats. This perennial has lavender blue flowers in summer. Catmint can be planted in sun or shade and needs medium amount of water. Prune spent flowers to encourage more blooms.

Ground Morning Glory

Common name:Ground Morning Glory
Botanical name:Convolvulus sabatius

Convolvulus sabaticus is a perennial that grows 1'-2' high, with branches that spread to 3' or more. It produces blue to lavender flowers with blooms of 1"-2" wide.The soft, evergreen leaves are .5" to 1.5" long.

Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender

Common name:Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Grey'

Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Gray' is an evergreen shrub. This dense foliaged plant grows to 2.5'-3' high and 3'-4' wide, with silvery leaves that are toothed at the tips. Deep violet-blue flowers from spring to late fall.

Using Water Wisely

An efficient watering system applies the right amount of water to the right parts of the garden at the right time. This conserves water and saves you money.

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Catmint Strip
Image: 13 of 15

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Practice grass-cycling by leaving short grass clippings on lawns after mowing, so that nutrients and organic matter are returned to the soil.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.