

Tour: Good Neighbor Garden

Brick Planters of Abundance
Goldenrain Tree, Varnish Tree
Ivy Geranium
Endress' Cranesbill
Amethyst Mist Purple Coral Bells
Common Foxglove
Goldenrain Tree, Varnish Tree

Common name:Goldenrain Tree, Varnish Tree
Botanical name:Koelreuteria paniculata

This tree reaches 30' tall and wide. Crown of tree is rounded. Blue green foliage is lacy and delicate looking, turning yellow in the fall. Upright yellow flower clusters bloom in the summer, followed by lantern shapeded seed pods. This dependable tree is attractive all year round, tolerating urban conditions and various soil types. It prefers full sun and occasional watering once it's established.

Ivy Geranium

Common name:Ivy Geranium
Botanical name:Pelargonium peltatum

Clouds of single flowers are produced from spring through fall on This perennial, which should be planted in areas that receive protection from afternoon sun in warm inland areas. Ivy geranium reaches 2' tall and spreads to 3' wide. Leaves are shaped like ivy leaves, thus its common name. Flowers bloom from spring through fall in pink, white, red or violet. It looks great in containers as it spills over. Deadhead to encourage more blooming and keep plant bushy.

Endress' Cranesbill

Common name:Endress' Cranesbill
Botanical name:Geranium endressii

This handsome perennial, used a ground cover, has evergreen dark green, veined and glossy leaves, Small pink, cup shaped flowers bloom in spring and summer. This plant reaches 2' tall and spreads 2'-4' wide. Shear plant when first blooms fade, in order to encourage more blooms. It prefers full to part sun, with well draining soil.

Amethyst Mist Purple Coral Bells

Common name:Amethyst Mist Purple Coral Bells
Botanical name:Heuchera 'Amethyst Mist'

This perennial will grow 1'-2' tall and has medium-sized purplish leaves with pink flowers that bloom in spring and summer. It needs shade and dry to moderate watering. It tolerates most kinds of soil.

Common Foxglove

Common name:Common Foxglove
Botanical name:Digitalis purpurea

This biennial Foxglove will reach up to 4' when blooming in the early summer. The large spire of huge, bell-shaped flowers ranges from purple to pink to cream with purple specks. Large, textured leaves form an attractive rosette until bloom time. This plant likes a moist, filtered-sun area similar to the Lobelias and Columbines. -Holland Wildflower Farm

The Magic of Mulch

In the natural world the endless cycle of birth, growth, decay, death and rebirth flows throughout the seasons. Plants die, leaves fall and new growth springs up in its place. Nothing is lost and the fallen leaves and dead plants decay into the soil, enriching it for the next generation of growth.

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Brick Planters of Abundance
Image: 5 of 9

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.